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Newer and improved version of our signature course!

We all struggle in at least one area of our lives
The key is to understand your mind and body better to live a happier and fulfilled life.
This is what Level Up does! You'll learn from the latest Neuroscience of Change, Positive Psychology, Science of Wellbeing, Power of Embodied transformation and health optimisation to help you move from surviving to thriving.


A course designed to help individuals better understand their brain, body and how they could be unconsciously holding them back and preventing them from thriving in their careers and life.



Based on proven science learnings and tools that work, this course has helped hundreds of individuals and companies discover their abilities and unique strengths, maximise their potential, increase their confidence and level up in a way that positively impacts their lives, both personally and professionally.



Through these sessions you will learn to take conscious action to create a happier, more fulfilling life and use your inner strengths for a better life at home and work.

Library Tutor


In simple words: to know yourself better. 

Where you are currently at in different areas of your life.

Where you want to be.

Why you want to be there.

How to achieve what you really want.


You see? most of us go through life on autopilot, doing what we "must" do, but not necessarily what we want to do... Learning who you truly are, what energises you, fills you with energy and motivation will help you take the steps needed in order to create a life you're excited to live. 


Our course breaks down these steps (these learnings) into 7 parts:


Part 1 - Step into your own greatness

The Neuroscience of change - How can getting your mind and body on your side help you.

Learn to understand your mind, body and spirit and how best to work with them to obtain optimal results.


Part 2 - Connecting to who and where you are

Living in alignment - Without being oriented to your true values and passions, things just seem flat. Learn to understand yourself better: your why, your values, what matters the most to you.


Part 3 - What can and can't be controlled

Learn to raise your awareness and choosing more empowering behaviours. The victim and victor mindset and how you can be more victorious.


Part 4 - Developing our superpowers

Building your confidence - work with your body and mind to unlock your inner strength. Learn about confidence, character strengths, and the 4 pillars for sustained health.


Part 5 - Maintaining peace, clarity and joy whilst thriving

Learn about how to tap onto your inner wisdom to create a happier, healthier way of living. The ego thoughts and limiting beliefs and how it holds you back.


Part 6 - Make it happen and keep it happening

Learn to understand how to actively create the life you are after, a roadmap to your personal & professional success. Learn to form new habits and a new identity that supports the life you are after.


Part 7 - (Post-programme) Check in and personal assessment

Online meet-up to discuss your progress, solve any doubts or to check in and to reconnect with your learning group.


2 private coaching sessions. We Are PEAC coaches are registered with one of the leading coaching bodies, IAPC&M, which ensures all accredited practitioners demonstrate they have the highest levels of professional standards (and capability) in the industry. 


hours of bespoke, quality coaching.

Over                 hours of expert designed activities.


A vast library of resources with tools and activities designed to help you discover more about yourself and how to create a more fulfilling, happier life.

7 live sessions packed with insights and teachings from the wellbeing leading experts, you'll learn the latest concepts from neuroscience of change, positive psychology, embodied transformation and optimal wellbeing to help you better understand your body and mind and how to work with them to create a better life, at home and at work.


teaching sessions where the coaches will share their expertise.


Level Up will be coming soon! Join our waiting list and be the first to know.  

Investment: £697 - payment options available.


Ses Agyemang


Level Up has helped hundreds of individuals with:

  • Boost your motivation

  • Increase confidence and performance

  • Increase clarity, focus and resilience

  • Provide deeper self-awareness

  • Enthuse and inspire you to do better

  • Generate stronger human connections

  • Re-connect with their inner joy

  • Get your MOJO back

  • Discover your strengths

  • Discover and hone your skills to enhance your career and life

  • Connect / discover your purpose

  • Generate the space and time to really focus on what matters to you

  • Understand your brain and body so that you can get the best out of you

All Hands In


Engage, Educate and Empower, moving you from surviving to thriving.



Our course is expertly designed based on principles of how people learn best: a mix of practical exercises and educating to benefit all learning styles. This enables people not just to learn but integrate the learning to help change be made.


A combination of science-backed learning with down-to-earth exploratory exercises will have you understanding and experiencing how to work best with your brain and body to efficiently impact your behaviour and increase your motivation and energy.



We connect, motivate and inspire you to thrive.

We show you the tools and techniques that will enable you to take ownership of your own journey.

Ever heard of the phrase “don't give a man fish rather teach him how to fish by himself”? – this is exactly what we do, we take you on a learning and experiential journey that will allow you to become confident and curious in embracing your own potential, motivated and energised to build your own paths, growing and developing your best self.

Sounds great. I am in!

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